Dedicated to Preventing Violence & improving mental health in Schools across the United States
Safety Assessments
School Wellness Assessment

Elementary SEL Videos
Social-Emotional videos are a great way to introduce key concepts such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Ms. Adrienne Bullock, a teacher with over 14 years of experience does an amazing job at communicating these important issues to younger students. She tells captavating stories most children can and often do relate to in their own lives. SEL videos can be shown in the morning before class begins, after lunch or even in the counselor's office following a disturbance. Seeing SEL videos will help students prepare for challenging situations and can be shown over and over to remind children what to do when confronted with difficult choices. Having classroom management issues? Pop in a video on the topic that needs to be discussed and assign the SEL activity that helps your students connect the dots to a better tomorrow.

Adrienne Bullock is a teacher, motivational speaker, and facilitator whose mission is to build confidence and show students the greatness within.
Meet Adrienne Bullock
Ms. Bullock will meet with a class of students or a whole gymnasium. Students love to have the opportunity to talk and ask questions about things they've learned in her videos! During the 30 minute Zoom call, she will do an additional SEL discussion and activity. To schedule your class or school click the link below.
Sometimes students have trouble finding the positive-side of a situation. They will see the glass as half-empty versus half-full. Ms. Bullock takes this opportunity to discuss the importance of having an optimistic outlook on life. She focuses on seeing the brighter side of things and lets children know that your attitude is everything.
Sympathy vs. Empathy
Bullying often happens when students don't put themselves in the other person's shoes. This SEL video explains what the difference is between empathy and sympathy and encourages listeners to empathize with others before acting. How would you feel in that situation? Students are told to stand up and speak up for others who are unable to do it for themselves.
The Importance of a Role Model
Most people have role models. It is someone you look up to and are inspired by. Ms. Bullock explains the importance of having a role model who you admire and who teaches that you don't have to be perfect. There is no human being who is perfect. You can make mistakes and get back up and do it better the next time.
Think About It
Have you ever blurted out something and then thought maybe it wasn't the best thing to say? Most students have done this at least once in their life. Ms. Bullock discusses what impulsivity is and how we should stop and think before we speak to others. She emphasizes the importance of not saying everything that is floating around in our heads because it could be hurtful and once it is said it can't be unsaid.
Getting Involved
Did you know that when students are involved in things they love to do, they are happier kids? Ms. Bullock talks about the importance of going out and finding things you enjoy and doing them! Whether it is a sport, dance or gaming, she encourages all children to get involved in something they enjoy. When we do activities that make us happy, we relieve stress, make friends and put a smile on our face.
Finding Your Strengths
Finding Your Strengths video focuses on identifying our own abilities instead of comparing ourself to what others are good at. Students will learn that everyone has strengths like being a good reader, artist or basketball player. And, when we practice what we are already good at we become even better. Recognize others for what they are good at but never compare ourself to someone else's strenghths.
The Beauty of Diversity
Ms. Bullock helps students understand the concept of diversity. She discusses how we will see many different types of people at school and in the world. She reveals that sometimes people will make negative assumptions about others because they look or act differently than ouselves. She encourages students to not be this way but instead embrace our differences so we can learn from one another.
Telling the Truth
Is it ever okay to tell a lie? This video explores the reason why it is not. Ms. Bullock takes a look at why even a small little lie can get you into trouble. One lie often leads to more and more lies until your crediability is gone. Students are asked how it would feel if you told the truth and no one believed you.
Analyzing Your Emotions
Ms. Bullock looks closer at how a person responds to a situation. What they did right and what they did wrong and how to do it better next time. She offers ideas to help children make better choices as they explore their own life's ups and downs.
Considerate and Respectful
Thinking of other's feelings can be difficult no matter how old you are. This video looks at the importance of considering the feelings of others and being respectful to them. Ms. Bullock addresses diversity and how we should not judge a person just because they do not look or act like us. Treating people how you want to be treated is the key to a happier life.
Point of View
It is important for students to understand how their point of view is often different than other students point of view. This video takes a look at how it is okay when we don't see eye to eye on an issue because our perspective may be skewed by our experiences.
Feeling Lonely
It is never fun to feel lonely. Ms. Bullock discusses the different reasons why children might feel alone and what to do about it. She provides examples of siuations students may be going through and encourages them to reach out to others for help. Finding friends is easy with her step by step guide.
Communication is the exchange of ideas however sometimes it can be difficult for students to speak up when they are needing help. Ms. Bullock introduces what "the embarrassment factor" is as she discusses the importance of communicating your needs because people just cannot read our minds.
Getting Inspired
Do you know what inspiration is? It is feeling that urge to do something great. Students will explore what inspiration is and where they can search for inspiration in their own lives. Ms. Bullock tells students how powerful they are and how they can be an inspiration to others even at a younger age.
Saying Thank You
Doesn't it make you feel good when someone tells you thank you? How about when someone doesn't say thank you? Ms. Bullock takes a look at the importance of saying those two simple words and how gratitude can really improve any situation. Showing appreciation toward others will not only make them feel grateful but will also affect the way you feel.
Learning from Yesterday
Ms. Bullock talks with students about learning from our mistakes. We should always be in a mode for learning because no one knows everything. We can all learn lessons and evolve. Students are taught about the greatest inventions coming from those inventors that first failed but kept trying and learning. A mistake should not be seen as something negative but instead as an opportunity to investigate and problem-solve.
Setting Goals
Students learn what a goal is and the difference between a short and a long-term goal. Ms.Bullock addresses the idea many children have of refusing to set goals so they avoid disappointment when they don't reach them. She encourages them to start off by setting a short-term goal that is realistic and reachable. Students are encouraged to put the work in on their goals and not be frustrated if they don't reach their expectation because there is always tomorrow.
Asking for Help
Do you ask for help when you need it? This video discusses the reasons behind why many students do not raise their hand when assignments get more difficult. Ms. Bullock reveals this idea of being ashamed or embarrassed to ask questions because everyone in class will know you don't know how to do something. She explains to students that everyone needs help from time to time and school is a great place to receive it.
Blaming Others
Have you ever done something you should not have done and then blamed someone else for it? This video is all about pointing the finger at others for something the student did. It discusses how being dishonest makes others not trust you and even though most of us do not want to get in trouble it is better to come clean when something goes wrong.
Being Accountable
Everyone can say their sorry and most of your peers will accept your appology however if you keep doing things that get you and them into trouble it is likely you won't have to many friends stick around. This video addresses the term "accountability" with students and how their inapproriate behavior can have some serious consequences if they keep repeating their actions.
Being Self-Absorbed
Ms. Bulock takes a closer look at the appropriate way to communicate with others in this video. No one likes to have a conversation with someone who dominates the discussion with stories about the speaker. She explains how the best conversations involve everyone taking turns with talking andthen listening to what others have to say. Students who frequently interrupt the teacher and others during class would benefit from this video.
Being a Smile
Have you ever looked at someone and they smiled at you? How did that make you feel? Ms. Bullock dives into the importance of not only being positive but wearing positivity through a smile on our faces. She discusses the health benefits and encourages the students to be a ray of sunshine for others because we never know what others are going through.
Negative Self-Talk
There are some students who will continuously say they cannot do something. "I can't do this or I can't do that." This negative self-talk is addressed in this video. Ms. Bullock teaches about "the power of yet." When we tell ourselves we can't do something then we believe it and it is difficult to overcome however if we tell ourselves we cannot do it yet, it gives us strength to practice and get better at the task at hand.
Putting Forth Your Best Effort
Do you ever do just enough to get by? Then this video speaks to you. Ms. Bullock takes a look at how many students will practice and practice when it comes to learning to play an instrument, a sport they love or even gaming however when it comes to Math or Reading it may be a different story. It doesn't matter if it is scoring the highest score in Mario Kart or getting an A+ on that Math exam, practice will make you better.
Facts and Opinions
A fact is something that can be proven versus an opinion is what we believe to be true. Do you spread facts or opinions about others? Many times people are guilty of talking about the negative aspects of others instead of encouraging them and focusing on their positive qualities. This video does a great job of encouraging students to stop the rumors and be kind to everyone.
Letting Things Go
Have you ever done something and had a hard time forgiving yourself for it? What about if someone else does something to you. Do you have a hard time getting over that? This video is all about forgiveness and letting go of the anger that binds us. We do not have to win the argument. We do not have to win the fight. In fact, we can just let it go and forgive ourselves and the other person when a mistake is made.
Words Hurt
We have all heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me." This could not be further from the truth because words do hurt and are often harder to get over than a physical bruise. Ms. Bullock focuses on the importance of being mindful when we say things to others. Don't purposely harm another person with your words and if you do appologize and make amends.
Peer Pressure
Ms. Bullock discusses what peer pressure is and then asks students if they have ever been pressured into doing things because others wanted them to do it. She explains that many people, both young and older will do things they know is wrong because they want others to like them. This video is a great solution for students who are struggling with class management issues surrounding disruption.
Integrity is the peronal quality of being honest and having high moral principles. Do you think about what you are going to do before doing it? Many students act on impulse and then must face the consequences of their actions. This video does a wonderful job of encouraging students to examine a few questions like: Is this the right thing to do and will my parents be proud of me before they actually do the action.
Is it ever okay to cheat? Some students may cheat because they want a better grade or maybe because they want to win at a sport. This video takes a closer look at what it means to cheat and how we can earn a bad reputation of dishonesty when we do cheat. Ms. Bullock questions students about how they feel when they play a game with someone who cheats.